What You Need to Know About Mediation


What is mediation?

Mediation is a process in which a neutral person guides the parties towards the resolution of a dispute. Attorney Daniell will provide legal background information to assist parties in mediation in coming to an agreement. The agreement, at the parties’ option may be drafted by the mediator for subsequent filing in court, or in personnel or organizational records.

Are there cost savings associated with mediation?

Mediation is less expensive than traditional litigation because:

  • There is no large initial retainer, instead you pay as you go to each individual session;

  • You benefit from access to two neutral mediators who offer years of mediation experience and are knowledgeable of the surrounding courts' requirements if necessary;

  • Settlements are made much more and so are more affordable to reach;

  • A comprehensive mediated agreement allows for wiser financial planning and potential savings for the present and future.

What are the goals of mediation? 

Mediation allows you to realize your goals in a way litigation often does not. In addition to reaching a full fair and equitable settlement, you may have other goals that you wish to accomplish. For example, you may wish in a divorce for your children to have as stress free and supportive an environment as possible, or in the employment context, you may need to resolve personal issues with your supervisor. Studies show that when these goals are also realized, agreements are longer lasting and the results more satisfying for both parties.

What are the advantages of mediation?

Mediation allows the parties themselves to reach a solution without the added expense of hiring attorneys. The resolution is not imposed, but valid only if there is mutual agreement as to the terms. It allows for creative problem solving outside the traditional litigation process. Each party has the opportunity to be heard. Mediation is not an advantageous method of conflict resolution where there is a large power imbalance between the parties, or where abuse has occurred.

What is our process? 

By means of effective communication, appropriate goal setting, and advanced mediation techniques we work to bridge the chasm that conflict creates. In any conflict, the formation of such bridges is essential to the creation of reasonable, fair, and lasting agreements.